

Share on Facebook Tweet this Jason | New Lynn I’m Jason. I live in Auckland. New Lynn is where I’m based at the moment, but I haven’t really got a home. I’m sort of, um being moved around at the moment, but I’ve had a fairly good upbringing. I wasn’t abused or...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Tab | Glenfield “My name’s Tabitha, and I live in Glenfield, Auckland. So I injured my shoulder. I dislocated it, and I didn’t have any confidence to go back to playing basketball, but I guess I was just committed. Then on my first...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Tash | Glen Innes “I pretty much grew up in Auckland, around GI/Panmure. It was pretty good growing up but lately, probably the last couple of years, have gone pretty bad; there’s a lot of violence, drugs, it’s just not a safe place....


Share on Facebook Tweet this Kerry| Mount Eden “About five years ago I was beaten up in town somewhere along Queen Street. I was intoxicated, I got kicked out of a work do, I was being a less than lovely employee. At the time I was quite an overweight person at...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Gia – Sunnyvale “What would I say to my 11 year old self? Watch where you’re going. My name’s Gia. I am from West Auckland – Sunnyvale. I work for Auckland Council in Venue Hires – hiring our community halls to the public...

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