Kelvin | Massey

I regret last weekend, yeah I went out, when I wasn’t supposed to drink and drive, and I drove, and my car got impounded, and yeah, learned it the hard way.

I was central downtown, and I had a few to drink. I was with mates, and we were having a good night, and I wasn’t, I wasn’t supposed to drive, but I end up driving anyway after, and got pulled over by the cops, and my car got impounded.   So, I had to Uber back home.

Just suspended for three months, it was very hard using public transport because you have to wait for a certain amount of time for the transport. I’ve learned, yeah I’ve learned my lesson the hard way.   It will never happen again. Don’t drink and drive, yeah.  

I was born in Ghana, yeah which is in West of Africa, and I immigrated here 12 years ago. I came here when I was 14, so I went to school here and everything, yeah. I came here with my mum, but she moved to Aussie. I’m just getting my apprenticeship done, and then I’m a qualified drain-layer. That’s the most important thing to me, my career.”

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