Free | Henderson

What’s my biggest regret? Losing my mum.

Yeah, that’s my biggest regret. Go the God way, and you get far in life. You get where you want to be at. If you keep doing the same thing, you’re just going to keep doing what you’re doing. You’re not going to move on. So, you’ve got to start changing, yeah.

Oh, I regret everything I did when I was back at home. I just regret everything, the stealing, the arguments. I regret everything. If I did have to see them, I’d just apologise to them straight away, and probably put me in tears, because what I did, I regret it.

It’s not worth doing that anymore. You get nowhere in life, and you get no friends when you do all this stuff, bad stuff. I just stopped doing everything I did. Now I’ve moved on, I’m where I’m at now.

We’re looking for jobs. I want to teach at a kōhanga, because my family own a kōhanga down in Hastings, and we used to be teachers on some days when we want, and it expires when I used to work there. I just love children. So, that’s what we’re looking at; jobs, at the moment. I just love teaching kids. I love to have fun with kids, because kids are just kids. just want them to have a better life, and not turn out like all these other people.

I’m from Hastings. I came up here at the age of 16. I met my partner three weeks after I came up here. We got together and then we had a child, and that’s my life.”

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