Lucy | Waiheke Island

I feel really strongly about climate change, and I regret that our planet is the way it is at the moment and that we’re seeing all these extreme weather events.

Having a young son I, I guess I regret, yeah the world that he’s potentially going to be seeing in 10-15 years, and that we haven’t done enough, quick enough to try and curb that, and I guess looking back on my own life, and the things that I’ve done that have contributed to it, and continued to today.

I grew up in Nelson, and it’s beautiful. A, I guess, small city. I grew up in rural Nelson, so I spent a lot of time in the outdoors, skiing and hiking and in the ocean. I really value the outdoors, and that’s why I like it here on Waiheke, too. We’ve got beaches and ocean, lots of lovely bush, but we’re, I think we’re seeing the effects of climate change here on Waiheke. The ocean is really warming. We’ve been having these droughts over summer, lots of sea-lice in the water, and lots of animals and birds and things, looking like they’re under stress because of the extreme heat, and then we’re getting all these periods of lots of flooding as well. I guess I’d like to see massive societal changes in the way that we get around, the goods that we use and how we use them, what we do with our waste, and the types of energy that we use, and how much of it we use.”

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