Violet | Beach Haven

Tattoos, yeah but I fixed them up by getting a new one, so yeah.

There are a lot of regrets, but the main one I suppose would be trying to make lots of memories. My parents passed. For my siblings, they all bond together. Well, we’re known as a real close family, and sometimes economics and finance can interfere, or emotional ties.

I’ve looked after my parents for 14-odd years, and I more or less put my seven children on the side to look after my adult parents. So, regrets for me is I didn’t get to bring them up the way I wanted to bring them up, but they’re all doing well, and the other thing is just not trying to keep my siblings closer together, because my parents are quite staunch, especially my dad.

I believe there’s a higher, higher above. I’ve got a wonderful daughter that does ministry, who helps me a lot. My children are my friends, and I started doing a Bachelor of Social Practice at the Uni over there. So, that helps a lot. It’s humanity. You help others, and it stops you from thinking about your own sorrows.

I grew up in Beach Haven, born and bred, and my values are my children and my family. Those are my first and top priorities, with my grandchildren also.”

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