

Share on Facebook Tweet this Toni | Waikanae “I think the woman that influenced my life the most was my nana, she was awesome. She was one of those formidable ladies that was probably a women’s libber before women’s lib came around. So we always grew up with the...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Stephanie | Henderson “What I would say about New Zealand is it’s a beautiful country and I hope New Zealanders would realise how beautiful and the type of things they do have, and they can gain from New Zealand. If I would want to...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Mayus | India “I’m just five months old in Auckland, and right now I’m studying at Otago Polytechnic. On childhood… My highlight from childhood is probably when I first got selected for my school basketball team, and all those times...


Share on Facebook Tweet this David| Takapuna “I think to be a man in Auckland in 2017 is to be part of a community that includes men, it includes women, it includes people of different ethnicity, people of different religious backgrounds or non-religious...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Sarrah | Mount Albert “To be a woman today is to be able to do everything, you’re not cornered into one sort of job like staying at home and looking after your kids, or just being in the kitchen. Women can do anything and everything;...

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