

Share on Facebook Tweet this Troy | Ellerslie “If I could change one thing, that there would be a cure for cancer. Yeah, absolutely my wife has stage 4 breast cancer, and we’ve been battling it for the last four and a half years. One thing that’s really...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Dusty | West Auckland “Oh, my goodness, that would be not go to work. Sorry, that’s, complete truth. I’d grab my motorbike and go for a ride. That’s exactly what I’d do, and not worry about getting back on time to get a good sleep to...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Gaille | Kelston “Titewhai Harawira; she’s always been there, like her or not. Annette Sykes, Margaret Mutu, like those women; yeah they’re all up there in my view. They’re strong Māori women. They’ve got their eye on the ball. They...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Rachel | Northcote “A woman who’s influenced my life would definitely be my mum. Since becoming a mum myself I’ve realised how hard it is and how difficult it can be raising a child and giving someone life, and it’s really made me...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Ian | Glenfield “First of all my mum, and she gave me the life that I came to this world. Second of all, is my wife because I’m married to her and she gave birth to my son, who gave me a lot of meaning to my life now. Also, my...

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