Share on Facebook Tweet this Kale | Welbourn, Taranaki “When it comes to bravery around here, there’s not really much to tell, because a lot of things happen around here on a daily basis. On Sunday, I was out here with a couple of mates just doing usual things...
Share on Facebook Tweet this Tina | Blenheim, Marlborough “I’m trying to define what’s different. I suppose my last connection would have been about five minutes ago where I went to see a friend at her house, and then two other people came into the house, and...
Share on Facebook Tweet this Jodie | Blenheim, Marlborough “This might not be the ‘different’ that others might think of, but I had a positive experience from lockdown. My needs were met. I got to spend time with my family, but I soon realised, coming out of...
Share on Facebook Tweet this Moana | Ōpōtiki, Bay of Plenty “I guess sometimes I can see the mean side of people, especially when it comes to alcohol. People can be very pedantic about such civil, trivial things that in the big scheme of things, they’re not...
Share on Facebook Tweet this Rangi | Māngere, Auckland “My cousin who I am living with now – it was about a couple of years ago when my aunty passed away. She came down to a tangi, and we weren’t that close. We didn’t even know that we were closely...
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