

Share on Facebook Tweet this Tim | Māngere, Auckland “Home, for me, is a place where you rest your head, where you’re born from, and at the end of the day where the sun goes down and your post is, that’s home.  Well, I live in the bush at the moment, and that’s...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Evey | Todd Valley, Nelson “I’ve lived in quite a few places. Not all of them have felt like home, I have to say. I certainly feel at home here, and I think home is about a sense of belonging, more than the physical structure of it....


Share on Facebook Tweet this Tanya | Atawhai, Nelson “Home does feel like New Zealand, but at the moment, with what’s going on in the UK, I am also really aware of my roots and where I was born. I came from an Indian mother and English father, but my mother was...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Abeje | Onehunga, Auckland “I would like to say to all the community, come together and work together with the community. I come to Sudan to New Zealand, and I am feeling New Zealand is best country in the world. I want to regret...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Dee | Ruatapu, West Coast “I would say my regret is time wasted bumping my head on situations and people that should have been let go of a long time ago. My theme for this month, or for this year really, but particularly these months...

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