

Share on Facebook Tweet this Tara | Westgate “My name is Tara, and I live in Westgate. I worry about climate change, plastic pollution of the oceans, biodiversity loss, a few political things, famines and wars, justice and where we as a society are going.  I’ve...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Arion | West Harbour “My name’s Arion, and I live in West Harbour. Is that enough?   If anything really, it’s probably the amount of damage that we do to the environment on a daily basis and on a yearly basis. Climate change, all...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Martha | Māngere “My name’s Martha, and I live in Māngere just down the road. Probably when kids get trapped in a cycle, so their parents are gang members or don’t have enough money, and their parents pulled them out of school, and I...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Caleb | Oratia “My name is Caleb and I reside in Oratia, out past Glen Eden.  Gee, that’s a big question. I try not to worry, but I guess I worry a little bit about the future sometimes, in terms of just; like it’s an expensive...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Terence | Takapuna “My name’s Terence and I call home Takapuna. I think it’s really important to always be brave and courageous and put yourself out of your comfort zone, and it’s important to try new things and to try new...

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