

Share on Facebook Tweet this Chris | Ōamaru, Otago “I think when you get to an age, you realise that time is of the essence and that time is a valuable commodity, and all that rushing around, we could have actually used it wiser. That’s probably my biggest...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Dee | Ruatapu, West Coast “I would say my regret is time wasted bumping my head on situations and people that should have been let go of a long time ago. My theme for this month, or for this year really, but particularly these months...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Alice | Ōamaru, Otago “So, when I was a teenager, I got this border collie. It was kind of second-hand. It was about a year old, and I didn’t know enough stuff, and it was on the farm, and it was just out of control, probably from...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Radha | Greymouth, West Coast “The regret I had was my marriage broke up after 14 years, and I sort of regretted that moment having made that move from Singapore to New Zealand. At the same time when my marriage broke up, my job was...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Jay | Taylorville, Greymouth “It’s a really big question. I could say there’s lots of things but I think one thing that I regret is not being truer to myself when I was younger, because I’m really old now. I’m 46. I regret not taking...

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