Rinay | Manurewa

“The other week I went in to go buy a coffee, and someone had paid for my coffee.  It’s probably the kindest thing I’ve had happen to me this year.

I give heaps of people change when I come up here.

I grew up in Tauranga City. I came to Auckland when I was 13. I’ve pretty much been staying here and studying since.

Heaps of people are struggling right now, eh? Just show some compassion, I suppose.

I’m expecting my first baby. So yeah, we’re just kind of getting the hang of things. Sometimes I forget I’m pregnant, but yeah trying to figure out something to do, like a good career, I suppose. He’s (the father) working at the moment.  He delivers for Frucor, probably see him running past soon.

My hope for my child is to have a better life, and to experience things I never got to experience. I think just to nurture my child more than what I had at the time, yeah.

Well my parents split up when I was young, type thing. We didn’t really have a stable home, we moved around a lot. Actually Auckland is probably the place I’ve stayed the longest, yeah.  

My sister, my big sister, she’s actually just come back from Tahiti. So, she’s a big role model for me.  She was, you know, we grew up the same and everything. She’s doing very good actually. She gets to travel. I’d like to travel.”  



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