Kim | Browns Bay
“Oh, quite recently. People generally give me a bit of extra money. They know I’m on the streets of Browns Bay all day long, and they give me money as if I’m a, pauper.
They’re generous. The people are, people I find to be generous at times, and pleasant to talk to. So, it’s generosity, really.
I was born in England, and then grew up in the western districts of Auckland. I attended Kelston Boys’ High School, and after achieving School Certificate, I moved to UEB Industries as a computer operator. I went on a European trip overseas, and came back to New Zealand. Generally not knowing what to do in life has been my problem.
What do I value most? My freedom, I would say I value mostly, my freedom to do what I wish. I have accommodation at night, but I’m here generally, I’m here every day walking around Browns Bay.
It’s not a pleasant sort of existence. I wish I had an interest, that I could partake in, but it’s an existence that, where there’s freedom to do as I wish, but I wish I did have an interest to keep me occupied. So it’s a bit of both. A bit of both, part enjoyment and part frustration really.”