Reena | Lynfield

“My name is Reena and Lynfield Auckland. Just recently, a few days back, I met a friend, actually my girls, they’re schooling together with her daughter, and the lady asked for some help, and then she told me about her situation.

That her husband had suddenly left and went to another woman, and then she’s left with no option. She needs help and she had to move house and she was trying to get help asking if I know somebody who can help her move house. So we tried to help her and we went to her house, helping her packing et cetera. So yeah, we are still in the process in the weekends, we’re also going to help her. We thought she really needed help with two little kids.

It is important. Sometimes we never know, but people do need help. It was genuine, I could see that she needed help. So, we thought of like, and she was really very happy. Sometimes there is some needy people but she had no-one around. I think the husband was there, and then he’s not coming home. Only time, I think he meets the daughter is at the school, so she had a lot of problems like moving house. There’s no-one to unplug the heat pump, and so those are big things she had to do on her own. She’s got a one-and-a-half-year daughter, and the other one is nine years old. I felt like she needed help because of the way she’s told me, she didn’t want to tell, but she had to, just to get the help. 

It was like in from my heart, it came into my heart that she needed help, it’s good to help others. Sometime I might need the help, so there’s someone to help me.

Originally I’m from Fiji. It’s known, like it’s a friendly country. So, there we live as a community, we help each other, it’s such a community, people come to your house. You don’t have to make an appointment to go there, and it’s a friendly country, so we just help each other.”

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