Gina | Manurewa

“My name is Regina. I call Manurewa home, at the moment, in Auckland. I’ll probably think of the bus drivers around here. They’re quite patient and helpful at times, especially even when you’re running late.

I kind of find that pretty cool that they have that type of patience. Experiencing that as well as helping others around here, I guess, like finding directions around here. I’m pretty new around here myself, to be honest, but I’m not always the best with directions, kind of like finding them myself, but helping someone else in the same way, I can understand how it feels to be a bit lost sometimes, and just giving that type of help, makes me feel good.

I see generosity and kindness is important is show to others, especially in the community, because you never know when you might actually find yourself in a tight spot and having that generosity and kindness given to you is different on a whole other level. It kind of makes you more grateful for what you have, as well as showing that to others. Just shows that if you’re in the position and someone else came round and gave you that type of treatment, kindness and generosity, you’d greatly appreciate just as much.

I actually grew up in Wellington, but moved up here to get away from things down there, and I quite enjoy being around Auckland in general. It gives me hope to move forward in the direction of life, and achieve things that I’ve never been able to achieve. I actually study at Cut Above Academy, which is not far from here, doing a make-up course.”

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