Caleb | Oratia

“My name is Caleb and I reside in Oratia, out past Glen Eden. 

Gee, that’s a big question. I try not to worry, but I guess I worry a little bit about the future sometimes, in terms of just; like it’s an expensive world. It’s also a world full of moral decay. As humanity, we’re really struggling to know where we’ve come from, and where we’re going. People lack a sense of purpose. There’s a few things that sort of worry me, but I try not to worry because I know that I believe there’s someone who’s got it all sorted out. 

So I was born the son of both my parents in 1997, and I grew up in Glendene, West Auckland. I went to a little Christian school called Emmanuel. It’s closed down now, but I went there, and they taught me stuff about God, stuff about the world, and as I got older, I wasn’t too sure about that. We don’t live in a culture that is very keen on the idea of a God. But as I’ve got older I’ve come to realise we need something beyond ourselves. 

Humanity, as it is, is headed down the drain, in all honesty. Our world, the state of pollution, the state of our eco-system is like a runaway train. People don’t know what they live for anymore. We live for entertainment and not much more than that, quite often. Maybe money and status, but ultimately all those things will pass away. So, personally, I live the way I live in the hope to show other people that they have a purpose, that they have a reason for existence and that they were created intentionally with a master designer who wants to love them and know them. So, if I could be a bridge for some people to get to know a personal God, that they might call Jesus, then that’s pretty cool. 

And I worry because I need to go to work!”

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