Arion | West Harbour

“My name’s Arion, and I live in West Harbour. Is that enough?  

If anything really, it’s probably the amount of damage that we do to the environment on a daily basis and on a yearly basis. Climate change, all that kind of stuff. It’s pretty relevant, and even though it’s pretty relevant, nothing really seems to get done about it.

Probably just because it’s not healthy for the earth. It’s not healthy for us as a race. We’re limiting the time that we have here on the planet. Even just driving our car and times that by however billion, it seems like it’s going to become a huge problem before we expect it to, and people aren’t really taking it very seriously. 

So I’m originally an Aussie. My dad’s an Aussie, and my mum’s Māori. So, I got ties here. I’ve got blood here. I’ve been here since I was 11. So, I went to school and all that here. In terms of values; just hard work and honesty. I don’t really put much value in much else, because you know, it gets you quite far if you’re honest and you work hard. 

I’m busy, I’m a busy chimney sweep, and sometimes you don’t get enough time to clean up between jobs, so I’m finished for today. I’ll go home and have my shower, but it’s a dirty job, and I know what I signed up for. At least people can tell who I am when I show up. 

There’s not really too much to it. Just to make sure people’s fireplaces are all safe, you meet a bunch of people, clean it up, go home. I just make my money. 

A lot of people aren’t educated about their fireplaces and all that, so obviously it might seem a bit hypercritical to clean chimneys and be so worried about the environment. But I just make sure people’s fireplaces are safe and that they’re burning the right things, and everything’s all efficient and mainly, safe. Safety is the most important thing. So that’s what I’m here for.”

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