Chelsea | Titirangi

“Three events would be having children, that has kind of shaped it for me, obviously. Before that, I was a completely different person. Now I guess our lives, mine and my husband, are shaped by the kids. That’s determined where we live, our community, everything really.

It’s made me be more patient, and I guess your life becomes about the kids, and your own things you want to do go on the back-burner a little bit, while they’re little, and while you’re raising your family. It has its moments. Yeah, nah it’s good. Most of the time, it’s good.

I was born in the Hawkes Bay, and I grew up in Whangamatā, by the beach. So, we try to enjoy the West Coast beaches out here, because my whole life when I was a kid was about the beach. So, it is hard to bring the kids up in Auckland. I didn’t think I would do that, but we’re here and we try and make the most of the beaches that they have to offer. I mean, Auckland’s pretty awesome for that.

I think you’ve got to step out and have a look when you’re sort of struggling as a parent. You’ve got to step out of it and look back. I think everyone probably goes through this. Don’t compare your family to other families, because it’s really easy to get in that track of like, especially on social media, and you see everyone’s doing it well, or whatever, and they’re probably not. They’re probably in the same rut as you, or just as stressed but I think having a good community around you is really important. People that you can call on to ask for help are super important. 

My parents live in Muriwai, so just people we’ve met in the community, and old friends that live close, I think keeping in touch with people and forming those relationships with people around your children is important and it’s good for you, and your soul. Taking opportunities. You know, like we just went away for the weekend with our kids. Actually doing those things, and never thinking, oh it’s going to be too hard, you can’t do it. Actually, going and doing all that stuff, because you won’t regret it, it makes such good memories with the kids, and there’s so much going on in New Zealand, in Auckland. If I was going to give advice, I’d say, if you’re think about doing it, do it.”

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