Kalyani | Avondale

“My name is Kalyani and where I call home in Auckland is probably the North Shore where my parents live. I had an awesome moment the other day I was just at Countdown, and there was a homeless man with a dog, and I just went, oh I can’t see that happen.

So I went into the Countdown, bought some dog food, $20 cash out, and I was just like, here you man, just make sure she’s alright, and he was like, do you remember me?  I was like; what? No? He was like, oh a year ago, you did the same thing for me and it gave me hope that there were good people around. And I was like; I don’t remember that, and he was like; you were quite pissed. But it was just a really special moment, I guess. I went; oh okay, I’m not a bad person.

I think it’s essential. I suffer quite a lot with racism and with bullying and stuff when I was a kid, and people didn’t show me kindness for a while until I sort of came into my own. If you don’t show kindness, there’s no point in living, I don’t think. It’s what makes people happy. It’s what gives people a reason to move and to breathe.

I was born and raised here. My parents migrated to this country about 36 years ago from India and I value my culture, my religion, my family, my career. My parents, their little Indian daughter was like; I’m going to be an actress, and they’re like; oh no she’s going to be poor for the rest of her life, but just the idea support and animals. I really value animals. 

I’m flying to the United States of America at 5pm to tour a show. So, I’m touring a theatre show for about five months, and then I want to move from New Zealand for a little bit, in New Zealand casting of South Asians is slim to none, so I want to move, for that particular reason. I’d love to live in New Zealand, but it’s not an option for me, at the moment.”

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