Minnie | Wellington

The best thing that I did last week was, it was my friend Jake’s birthday, and everyone in the flat, at the end of the day, we just got home from work and went straight to the beach, picked up some fish n chips for him, and just had a lovely time.

We were on an east-facing beach, though and we lost the sun really quickly, but it was really lovely spending time with my flat family.

I was raised on the idea that a village raises a child, so there were always a lot of people in my life who cared about me and supported me and I’ve been really lucky that even as I’ve changed as a person, and grown, and realised things about myself that my family and whānau have stayed by me. I grew up in a lot of flats. We never really had enough money to like, live in a house, but we always had a home. So, I feel really lucky for that.

Friends are some of the most wonderful people you can have in your life. I feel really lucky to have been able to create work with them and live with them, and still have such a solid and loving relationship, and it’s just really nice.”

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