Alina | Herne Bay

The best thing I did last week was to overcome my fear, and just to grab a phone and call a person that I was afraid to call the previous week.

I’m looking for a job right now, and probably as many people who are job hunting, I’m questioning, should I call and bother people, should I write this email, should I send it this morning or in afternoon, and all of those questions. I’m proud that I just picked up the phone and made that call. I felt like I became a little bit more free. The thing is that I told myself, what’s the worst could happen, the person might say no, or just call me back, or something else, and I felt free that I could finally take that thing that I had to do, I’ve done it, and I forgot about it, and now I am free to move forward and do something else. Oh my god, I just, thinking about it now, even though I wasn’t thinking about it last week, I feel like kind of accomplished.

I’m from Russia. I came to New Zealand four years ago, and I grew up in the far east of Russia, in a very cold city. It’s like -50 Celsius. I grew up in a loving family of my parents and my older brother, and they were all supportive and loving. But what I’ve learned is that even though you have all the support, and your family are very close, you have to work hard anyway, especially if you live in the coldest city on earth.

My family is important, even though I live on the other side of the world at the moment I really miss them. I would like to be as close and as supportive as possible. Speaking about my life right here, right now I value people who contribute to the community, to the improvement of their environment, and that’s what I’m trying to do.

I’m looking for a fulltime job for myself, but also I really, I’m still a supportive person for the other people, for the people just like me who’re looking for a job, or looking for themselves and for people who’re travelling, and whose English language is not their first language, immigrants and you know, just for people who are trying to find themselves, and yeah support tradition, and spread the love. That’s, that’s what’s important for me.”

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