Pat | Albany

Well, I can sort of relate to that, because I’m a cancer patient, and I’ve had a lot of kindness from family and friends, you know, over a very difficult period of time. So, that’s from last November.

Having been very healthy for 72 years, and on my way to the UK to enjoy a cruise, I found a little lump in my breast, and thought, don’t think I recognise that. Then I thought, well shall I bother, because I’m going overseas in a week, I thought I’d better sort it out. Anyway, long story short; it turned out to be cancer. I went on my holiday because it was all booked and paid for, and then came back and had the operation, in November, and just finished, well I’m not finished cancer treatment till the end of this year, but finished all the chemo and radiation.

Definitely, I think we always need to be kind to people. When you receive it yourself, then you just want to pass it onto others. So, yeah I think it’s really important. I don’t think I could have managed without it. I feel really, you know, for people that don’t have family or close friends, it must be a really, really difficult journey, because you do need a lot of support and kindness to get you through it. It’s a pretty awful process, but you do come out the other end.

Probably laugh at this one, but my daughter and her husband took me down to Hobbiton as a treat, and that was, I suppose it’s a weird sort of kindness, but I’ve always wanted to go. So, yeah it was great. Well, because we’re all Lord of the Rings fans and, and Tolkien books and things. So yeah, read them lots of times, seen all the films, and just wanted to go and enjoy the set.”

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