David | Waiake

My doctor was very kind to me, yes. Extremely kind, yes. I went to see him, and he said, he reassured me about a problem I had, and I reciprocated by giving him one of my novels, because I’m a writer.

(I’ve been a writer) ever since I can remember, but recently I had about six books put out on Kindle, and I’m trying to market them in other ways you see?  The novels? Yeah, most of my experiences, ah my novels are set, or eventually they’ll gravitate to India because that’s where I was born. Lived there a long time, and they’re mainly detective fiction, adventure, romance, and thrillers. Thrillers.

My wife and I have witnessed amazing acts of kindness. I remember this young woman with her father, and the old chap collapsed, and my goodness me, the amount of people who rushed to help, led him into the café, gave him food, gave the girl some money, gave them some food to take home.  Another one was a chap who went to, to India and he got very sick. He was so sick. They just knocked on someone’s door, and do you know; this fellow took him into his house, called a doctor and kept him therefor about two weeks until he got better. That’s amazing. I’m sure people in New Zealand would do that. I’m sure of it.

It’s (India) quite different to New Zealand, that’s for sure. I went to a school up in the Himalayas, a boarding school, and the life there, it was very spartan. It was just after the war, and food was not in, was in very short supply. So, you had, I mean, you could only dream about things like bacon and eggs, and chicken and sauce. If I told you the food we had, it’s really unbelievable, but it made me very fit in my life. So I, I’m thankful for that. In other words, I didn’t overeat. I believe overeating causes problems later on in your life. Most youngsters overeat like mad. Trust me; the diet was a very spartan one.

So many acts of kindness, it’s hard to clarify any one, but yes, when we go to the café people are awfully kind. They say nice things to you, and how are you doing, and all the rest of it. You know?

Oh yes, yes I mean you can’t go around with people being hostile to you. You’d be very unhappy in no time at all.”




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