

Share on Facebook Tweet this Mark | Ōamaru, Otago “The whole of life is a learning process. I have done a lot of things that I think better of now. At the time they made a lot of sense, but they also made me who I am. I didn’t do anything so stupid that I have...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Neill | Lake Ōkareka, Waikato “I was transferred to Rotorua in the end of 1973, and I got to work for the DSIR, which stands for Department of Scientific Industrial Research, and I mapped the soils and volcanic ash around Rotorua....


Share on Facebook Tweet this Rami | Torbay, Auckland “I have been in New Zealand before from 2002 to 2006, and then moved back to the Middle East, and I’m now thinking if I stayed in New Zealand, that would be probably much better for me. So, I regret the...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Alice | Ōamaru, Otago “So, when I was a teenager, I got this border collie. It was kind of second-hand. It was about a year old, and I didn’t know enough stuff, and it was on the farm, and it was just out of control, probably from...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Radha | Greymouth, West Coast “The regret I had was my marriage broke up after 14 years, and I sort of regretted that moment having made that move from Singapore to New Zealand. At the same time when my marriage broke up, my job was...

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