

Share on Facebook Tweet this Kiri | Ōhakune, Manawatū -Whanganui “We moved to Wellington maybe six years ago, and I was working a job I didn’t like. I was studying something I didn’t like. So, one day, I just decided in a week, to pack up and move back home, and...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Tihi | Ōhakune, Manawatū – Whanganui “I was born in Whanganui, and I was brought up on the marae with my mum in a wananga. I think it was the wanangas from my mum. I couldn’t speak English properly till I was six. Then my...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Jack | Springlands, Marlborough “I live with someone different to me. My brother Ryan, he’s had Cerebral Palsy all of his life, and being disabled of course, is quite a different thing, and with that there’s always different...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Ash | Blenheim, Marlborough “This area especially, everybody’s really different. So, you meet heaps of different people every day. Different ethnicities, cultures, beliefs, all that sort of stuff. One of my managers I get along...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Billie | Tolaga Bay, Gisborne “The hardest thing for me is communication, just with people, my family, because I never know what people are thinking, and I know people find it hard to understand me as well. So, it’s a bit of a...

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