

Share on Facebook Tweet this Eileen | Howick “Oh, it’s a long time. I met my husband one day, and then he told me that he was going, he was in the Navy, and he was taking off for a year. We never changed addresses or anything, and then he came back, and he sat...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Eleanor | Howick “Yes, I suppose I can. I think I once felt love, was when I was a wee girl. I come from a family of seven, and the baby, the seventh baby was a little boy called Charles, and he ended up in the hospital, and he was...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Peter | Māngere “First love story? Well, that would be a little bit difficult. So, my love life started very, very early. When I came to New Zealand, I’d travelled around the world, because I was in the Merchant Navy, and so I’ve...

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