

Share on Facebook Tweet this Tara | Westgate “My name is Tara, and I live in Westgate. I worry about climate change, plastic pollution of the oceans, biodiversity loss, a few political things, famines and wars, justice and where we as a society are going.  I’ve...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Tofi | Massey “I don’t really recall a time where I felt lonely because I have my husband and three kids, and I have various groups that I’m part of. So I have a church family, and a ladies group, but I think you can become lonely if...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Tony | Westgate “I’ve always been with my wife. We’ve come here from South Africa. We’ve been here 20 years. We don’t have loneliness in our life because we’ve got family and friends. The only people we miss are those that we’ve left...

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