Share on Facebook Tweet this Shaylin | Lynfield “So my name’s Shaylin, and I live in Lynfield. A couple of weeks ago there was an incident where I was pulling up at the gym, and I was sitting in the car for a while, just sort of regathering my thoughts and...
Share on Facebook Tweet this Magik | Takapuna “Hi, I’m Magik, and I’m from Takapuna. I grew up in Hawke’s Bay, stayed out West Auckland in Avondale a lot of my life, and then moved out to the Shore. I’m currently a chef, and I work in Takapuna at an Italian...
Share on Facebook Tweet this Ese | Ōtara “My name’s Ese. There was one time when I was struggling a bit with money, financial; and one of my friends helped me out, gave me some money when I was just struggling. I actually grew up in Onehunga. I’ve grown up here...
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