

Share on Facebook Tweet this Lydia | Māngere, Auckland “I’ve had a lot of those experiences right here at this whenua, and across the road at the David Lange Park. The event I’m thinking of is celebrating people; young people, our elderly, just coming together...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Al | Te Hāpara, Gisborne “Living on the East Coast here, you get a lot of tourists coming through, and I’d met some people from South America, and because I was out in the garden at the time, I was explaining to them about our...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Rhea | Matamata, Waikato “When I first came out to New Zealand from the UK obviously, that was quite a challenge, because originally I just came out with six months’ worth of summer clothes on a holiday, and I’ve been here nearly 13...


Share on Facebook Tweet this John | Matamata, Waikato “I’ve had many challenges, but the biggest challenge of all, was being diagnosed in October 2018 with malignant melanoma. Bit of a shock and out of the blue, but like everything in my life, I just took it in...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Kelly | Uawa, Gisborne “I think I’m one of the ones that actually take people through those challenging experiences, being Mirimiri Rongoā, carrying along the lines of our Tohunga work. You know, matakite. So, I’m the one that will...

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