

Share on Facebook Tweet this Maui | Rotorua, Waikato “Ko Mātaikōtare tāku marae Ko Rangitoto te pae maunga Ko Waiōhewa te awa kaukau o ngā tūpuna Ko Rotorua-nui-ā-Kahumatamomoe tāku awa Ko Motutapu-a-Tinirau te tapuwae o Rangiteaorere Ko Te Arawa te iwi Ko...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Emma | Cambridge, Waikato “Probably something I regret recently was moving back from Queenstown to up north. So, I was meant to eventually go to America to do Camp America, and I ended up leaving Queenstown a bit earlier, and...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Stewart | Glenholme, Waikato “Someone died in our family. Our mother and our father, a long time back. Year and years before then when we’re going to Waka School, my sister died. I regret all those things and I think about it all the...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Neill | Lake Ōkareka, Waikato “I was transferred to Rotorua in the end of 1973, and I got to work for the DSIR, which stands for Department of Scientific Industrial Research, and I mapped the soils and volcanic ash around Rotorua....


Share on Facebook Tweet this Manawa | Rotorua, Waikato “Ko tētahi mea kāore au i te tino rata o tōku onamata ko te kāre au i haere ki ētahi whakaaturanga o mua. Engari atu i tērā kārekau aku hē, kāre au i te tino ware mō tētahi atu mea. Kua ako au me pēhea te...

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