

Share on Facebook Tweet this Amy | Pakuranga Heights “I can’t remember the last time I connected to a friendship level, but apart from that, it’s lots, meeting lots of new people on the street, and just saying, hi and yeah, I guess that would be connecting with...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Akshya | Albany “About a year back, I was returning home from a dinner. I had to be home early, because I had uni the next day, and I was waiting at the bus stop, and this girl, who was standing right next to me, she was sobbing a...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Liz | Glen Eden “The last time I made my mum, I made my mum feel special, in Samoa, back in Samoa. It was on Mother’s Day. Yeah, I just made her breakfast, and I gave her a little Bible verse. Yeah, and that made her, she felt...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Mohini – India “What would I say to the eleven year old myself? I think if the mistake I made from that time is I have not lived life to the fullest. That’s what I really, really wish to do, and if I can go back to that time I would...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Laura – Manurewa “What I would say to my eleven-year-old self would be to be grateful for what you’ve got – don’t take things for granted, you’ve got a lot right now and not a lot of people have what you have. I come from...

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