

Share on Facebook Tweet this Candy | Auckland CBD “I’ve been in Auckland for about six weeks, and I actually haven’t engaged with too many people, oddly enough. I’m fairly outgoing so, but I can tell you the last time I had a memorable moment. I take a daily...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Nav | Manukau “Well, first of all, it’s quite heart-breaking and it took us quite a few days to actually get together what happened, and it still, you know, gives me chills down my spine, because New Zealand is such a multi-cultural...


Share on Facebook Tweet this B | Mt Roskill “I think, a lot of its brought together people that wouldn’t actually come together, you know, before. Sometimes something like this actually changes, is a lot of good in the local community. So before we, you wouldn’t...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Mona | Takanini “Well, I just want to stay home behind my door, but in reality, we have to get out there. I have a 15-year-old daughter that I’ve got to get to school, a disability, disabled husband that needs to get out one day a...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Gaille | Kelston “Thank you, Islam. Our heart, our heart certainly goes out to you. If there’s any group that’s most marginalised, most isolated, most misunderstood, is you and yet the more we get to talk to you, the more we realise,...

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