

Share on Facebook Tweet this Justin | Takapuna “I’m Justin from North Shore, Takapuna. I don’t think there’s really been a situation where I had to do something courageous or brave, like helping someone or anything like that. Relatively most of my time in New...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Terence | Takapuna “My name’s Terence and I call home Takapuna. I think it’s really important to always be brave and courageous and put yourself out of your comfort zone, and it’s important to try new things and to try new...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Katia | Takapuna “I’m Katia, and I live in Takapuna. To come here, I was proud because it’s really far from Italy, and the area is amazing. So, I think I was really strong. I grew up in Italy, but I started to travel when I was young...


Share on Facebook Tweet this David | Melbourne “I don’t know that I’m very easy about that sort of, sort of subject, but certainly, when I was a small child, I was living in St Heliers, and I was in a loving family situation there. Then later I was living in...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Sarah | Takapuna “I think it was probably the birth of my nephew. He was born this year in August, and I think it was mostly a new, a new feeling of love, because it was a love for not myself or someone that is the same age as me, or...

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