

Share on Facebook Tweet this Tina | Blenheim, Marlborough  “I’m trying to define what’s different. I suppose my last connection would have been about five minutes ago where I went to see a friend at her house, and then two other people came into the house, and...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Jodie | Blenheim, Marlborough “This might not be the ‘different’ that others might think of, but I had a positive experience from lockdown. My needs were met. I got to spend time with my family, but I soon realised, coming out of...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Jess | Springlands, Marlborough  “I went to a coffee group with my church, and I met an older lady who was from a different country. She was really lovely. I can’t remember where she said she was from, but she was really lovely. She...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Jess | Blenheim, Marlborough “I work with different people every day, and Marlborough is full of so many different people that it’s almost an everyday experience. You get to meet someone different and someone new, and I think that’s...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Colin | Richmond, Marlborough “We’ve been doing some work in the heritage space recently, and that’s brought us in contact with a number of local iwi, and I’ve just found it really valuable working with them, to understand their...

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