

Share on Facebook Tweet this Kim | Browns Bay “Oh, quite recently. People generally give me a bit of extra money. They know I’m on the streets of Browns Bay all day long, and they give me money as if I’m a, pauper. They’re generous. The people are, people I find...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Tony | Manurewa “Last night I went to church and we had no money, and they had nachos for $4, and someone was really kind, and they bought us some nachos and we didn’t have to pay. We were really hungry, so that was really kind of...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Jermaine | Papakura “Yeah, oh there was a point in my life. It was just recently too, where I got mistaken for somebody else, and a Black Power sergeant of arms came into my house. Threw me, grabbed me all like this, threw me out of...


Share on Facebook Tweet this John | Māngere “It’s been awhile since I felt stressed. I think the last time was when I had – was just mainly about my finances and stuff like that. You know working in a job that I didn’t really like, and wasn’t paying too...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Shanz | Manurewa “I’m stressed every day. Stress is, is a normal thing for me. I’m working. I work, that’s stress. Living in South Auckland, seeing this poverty of people living on the streets, that’s stress too, because not only...

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