

Share on Facebook Tweet this Damien – Auckland “I said happy birthday to one of my best friends in Scotland at the moment. I grew up in Auckland. I went down to Wellington for a couple of years after I finished school and I’ve just been working and then I...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Julia – Epsom “I’m currently very involved in the Comedy Festival. I last showed my wife that I cared about her by completely rearranging my day so I could take her down for an eye clinic appointment at the hospital this morning and...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Andrea – Mt Roskill “I gave my husband a big smoochie kiss this morning. My daughter goes to Waikōwhai Intermediate – I make her lunch every day so she knows that her lunchbox is full of something that mum has made, and I just...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Lillian – New Lynn “Last night, with my flatmate, we actually took time to pray with her, and yeah we took a moment and there was silence and we prayed. And I told her that when she left to go for a holiday to Christchurch the...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Ash – South Auckland “What would I say to my eleven-year-old self? I would say not to take drugs, not mess up my life, to think more about it and hang around with the right kind of people. Currently I am on the streets. I am 17...

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