

Share on Facebook Tweet this Jim | Ōtara “Last year my wife died on the 22nd July, and that was a real blow for not only me, but for our whole family. She suffered greatly for the last eight years of her life. She was on dialysis at the clinic, and she had a...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Tony | Massey “I find at the moment because I’m just too busy with her. I just miss being with friends, doing things with friends. It is, yeah it’s great, and I was excited, when I found out her mum was pregnant. It was great to know...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Jesse | Red Beach / Orewa, Whangaparoa “I guess [loneliness] would be not having, or not feeling like you have someone to relate to. Like if you feel like you can’t relate to someone or talk about something that you’re going through...
Ray Ray

Ray Ray

Share on Facebook Tweet this Ray Ray | Ōtara “I come from a small town back in Taranaki, and there you know everyone. You know your neighbours. You know the people across the road. You know the people down the road. You know the farmer Joe up on the hill. And...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Teighan | Takanini “I’ve always lived in Takanini since I was little. I used to live with my grandparents, in their house, and then my grandparents died, and now we stay there, and I’ve always been in Takanini. Haven’t really moved...

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