

Share on Facebook Tweet this Alice | Ōamaru, Otago “So, when I was a teenager, I got this border collie. It was kind of second-hand. It was about a year old, and I didn’t know enough stuff, and it was on the farm, and it was just out of control, probably from...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Jay | Taylorville, Greymouth “It’s a really big question. I could say there’s lots of things but I think one thing that I regret is not being truer to myself when I was younger, because I’m really old now. I’m 46. I regret not taking...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Simon | Mt Roskill, Auckland “My regret story is the way I lived my life before I stopped using alcohol and drugs. My biggest regret is the way I treated my family, and the way I treated my mother. I lost her a few years ago while I...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Lynda | Hokitika,West Coast “I guess it is my mum. She moved back to Hokitika after being away from Hokitika for 50 years and she lives one door away from us, now. She’s getting on a little bit. Her maiden-name was Woolhouse. So,...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Colleen | St John Hill, Manawatū-Whanganui “My mum, who’s almost 90 had a fall at home, and broke three ribs, and ended up in hospital for five weeks, and gratefulness doesn’t really describe how I feel about the people that looked...

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