

Share on Facebook Tweet this Jack | Onehunga, Auckland “I guess, regret is like having chosen to focus on working on projects or study and then having your family members grow and/or pass away. I think that’s something that I regret. It was about two years ago,...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Theo | Greymouth, West Coast “I don’t think I’ve got anything that I really regret, or regret in the deeper sense of the meaning. I just don’t do stuff that I think I’d regret. I think I probably overthink it, but sort of just...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Emma | Cambridge, Waikato “Probably something I regret recently was moving back from Queenstown to up north. So, I was meant to eventually go to America to do Camp America, and I ended up leaving Queenstown a bit earlier, and...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Donna | Ōamaru, Otago “I think something that I regret is that I don’t have enough time to see all the things that I think up wanting to do. I find it really hard to flesh out a lot of the ideas that I have. I seem to have more ideas...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Chris | Ōamaru, Otago “I think when you get to an age, you realise that time is of the essence and that time is a valuable commodity, and all that rushing around, we could have actually used it wiser. That’s probably my biggest...

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