

Share on Facebook Tweet this Jason | Auckland City “At the moment I’m working in a bar at one of the restaurants in Britomart. The last challenge for me was last week, because I have to change the bar menu and I need to create a drinks list, which is actually a...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Ellie | Warkworth. “This week, I am writing a case report for my college. I’m a massage therapist and I was researching how you can help chronic shoulder pain. So that was probably the biggest challenge this week. To overcome that...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Kerry| Mount Eden “About five years ago I was beaten up in town somewhere along Queen Street. I was intoxicated, I got kicked out of a work do, I was being a less than lovely employee. At the time I was quite an overweight person at...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Sophie | Belmont “I originally come from Christchurch, and so now I call Auckland home, but I’ve travelled around and lived in different places, but I love being in Auckland. It’s sort of at the top of the fault line, and it feels a...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Joe | Ōtara “Ōtara has been my home for the last 37 years. I would definitely call it home. A recent challenge I’ve had so far is taking on this role here at MIT. Transitioning from steel division, Fletcher’s Steel Division, to a...

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