

Share on Facebook Tweet this Louie | Mount Roskill “Florence Nightingale; if you read about her in Eminent Victorians by Lytton Strachey, Florence Nightingale actually nursed the troops in the crimeran [war] and she used her own money to do it and she got around...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Simon | Mount Roskill “I think that would be my mother, Eileen. She’s a really nice person and she always is really intelligent to be with, and I always enjoy her company. My mother has influenced me because her kind nature, and her...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Samah | Rānui “I was born and raised on the Shore, so Takapuna, Milford, Northcote , and then I moved over to Mt Roskill for my teenage years, and then, now I live out in Rānui with my parents. That’s why I like to say Auckland is my...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Zainab – Mount Roskill “I love children. I love to play games with them, like outdoor games in the park, and I just want to chill out with kids. I learned from them that they don’t have any worries. They just laugh and they...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Bevan – Auckland / Hong Kong “New Zealand is my home. I’m a migrant. I came from somewhere else, but this is my home now. I do give people a lot of solutions about different things that come up in their life. Well basically being...

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