Share on Facebook Tweet this Jecheala | Mt Roskill, Auckland “It probably actually happened yesterday. I go to Unitec here, and part of our assessment was we all went to a marae, and shared a pepeha, which is a Māori introduction. Coming from Māori ancestry, it...
Share on Facebook Tweet this Tohi | Mt Roskill, Auckland “Have to be brave every day. Still being brave now. In a way this struggle that we live in is a headache in itself. See, that’s just us being brave alone. The struggles of living in this poverty life....
Share on Facebook Tweet this Naima | Mt Roskill, Auckland “Maalin aniga iyo hooyo waan u lugeeyneynay shaaricka. I think waxaan aadeeynay New World Mount Roskill. Nin baa gaariga ku jiray, wuu na caayay. Wuxuu iraahday wadankiina ku noqda. Waan sii jeedsaday,...
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