

Share on Facebook Tweet this Amy | Ponsonby “It’s my mum and my sister. They’ve been good, and just helping me a lot with stuff, and teaching me all the way, it’s the bad and good. The friendship is good, they’re teaching how you’re doing the thing, and doing...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Salu | Mount Roskill “Obviously it would be my mother. She’s influenced me a lot as far as my upbringing, morals and everything that I believe in. She’s 87 and she has dementia, so I’m her fulltime care-giver and saying that, it...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Simon | Mount Roskill “I think that would be my mother, Eileen. She’s a really nice person and she always is really intelligent to be with, and I always enjoy her company. My mother has influenced me because her kind nature, and her...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Jovisy | Northcote “My mother. She’s the only woman that’s done that. She’s there always in my life, though. Yeah, my mum. First of all she gave me life, second she’s always supported me, she’s always been there for me, and I love my...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Heather | Henderson Valley “I’d like to actually change my accommodation. I moved in to the area because my children were at school, and they’re all grown up and left home. I grew up in Auckland. I’m a city girl, but I was born in...

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