Jovisy | Northcote
“My mother. She’s the only woman that’s done that. She’s there always in my life, though. Yeah, my mum. First of all she gave me life, second she’s always supported me, she’s always been there for me, and I love my mum for doing that.
I grew up in all sorts of places. Life was pretty hard, but we can make it out at the end, but yeah life was pretty hard. I grew up around everywhere; West, East, South, North. I enjoy living life, though.
My mum’s helped me through my hearing problems. She’s taken me to hospital, and helped me with my hearing problems, got me hearing aids. I’m not wearing them at the moment because I lost them, but yeah my mum’s helped me through a lot. So I bet women would be good role models in Northcote or around anywhere, because they are good supporters, and they can love you no matter what.
What’s important for me is my family, myself, my loved ones, my friends, and living life good. That’s important for me. Because women are a bit stronger on words than men to be honest.”