

Share on Facebook Tweet this Ezra | Fitzroy, Taranaki ** This story mentions abuse and suicide.  Youthline provides free support for young people, or people supporting young people. Contact 0800 376 633 or free text 234 ** “I don’t know whether or not it was a...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Kale | Welbourn, Taranaki “When it comes to bravery around here, there’s not really much to tell, because a lot of things happen around here on a daily basis. On Sunday, I was out here with a couple of mates just doing usual things...
Tien Yu

Tien Yu

Share on Facebook Tweet this Tien Yu | Eden Terrace, Auckland “我在新西兰出生的,然后我的母语是英文。 去年为了学会中文,我去了北京。 刚到的时候我一句话都不会说。 所以跟中国人聊天有点难。 因为他们都看到我,他们觉得我是本地的中国人. 但是我并不是。 所以我觉得去学中文对我的…… 当然对我的中文有好处,但是也对我的英文好处,因为要帮我提高我的那个……那个……怎么说,communication,的继续。 不是继续。...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Moana | Ōpōtiki, Bay of Plenty “I guess sometimes I can see the mean side of people, especially when it comes to alcohol. People can be very pedantic about such civil, trivial things that in the big scheme of things, they’re not...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Jess | Springlands, Marlborough  “I went to a coffee group with my church, and I met an older lady who was from a different country. She was really lovely. I can’t remember where she said she was from, but she was really lovely. She...

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