

Share on Facebook Tweet this Yves | Albany “That’s a very interesting question. It’s a life question. I guess from my point of view, I would say people are always seeking good relationships and connection, and people are always trying to find people who value...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Tony | Westgate “I’ve always been with my wife. We’ve come here from South Africa. We’ve been here 20 years. We don’t have loneliness in our life because we’ve got family and friends. The only people we miss are those that we’ve left...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Louie | Mount Roskill “Florence Nightingale; if you read about her in Eminent Victorians by Lytton Strachey, Florence Nightingale actually nursed the troops in the crimeran [war] and she used her own money to do it and she got around...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Stephanie | Henderson “What I would say about New Zealand is it’s a beautiful country and I hope New Zealanders would realise how beautiful and the type of things they do have, and they can gain from New Zealand. If I would want to...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Mayus | India “I’m just five months old in Auckland, and right now I’m studying at Otago Polytechnic. On childhood… My highlight from childhood is probably when I first got selected for my school basketball team, and all those times...

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