Nehemiah | Avalon, Wellington

“I’m proud of my nephew, because he won the original song award at Naenae College.

The battle was over at the stadium. We were watching a live performance. My nephew was singing lovey-dovey songs. He’s into romance and R&B and all that. Chur, my bro. 

I lived in Avalon for 18 years, but I’m originally from Tolaga Bay. My tribe is Ngāti Porou. My iwi, Ngāti Porou. I miss home, yeah.

I have head trauma. Oh, gang violence. I got PTSD. Depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, and I have to take medication. Yeah, anti-psychotics, anti-depressions. I did time in the psych ward, TWA, Te Whare Ahuru.

I’ve been going into town recording music. I play the turn-table, Dub-Step in House, and I was in the band in high school. I was the singer in the band. My vocal range is falsetto, and harsh vocals.

I value my family. Because they provide me food and shelter. They nourish me.”

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