Maddie | Lake Hāwea

“My mum is very kind, taking me around, and. True kindness was probably when this person didn’t have anybody to go with, so I invited them to go with us, the group, because they didn’t have anybody to go with.

That was like a couple of days ago. They seemed really sad, because they didn’t really have anybody to go with. So, I thought if I was in that position I’d probably want to go. So, I decided to help them out and ask them if they wanted to be in my group. 

My parents do a lot. They’re very nice. I get it from them, probably. 

It’s really important to be kind. Probably just people, being nice when they walk past you, they don’t have to say hi, but if you meet someone, just be nice. You know?

I was born in Dunedin, and then I went to America for a little bit, and then I went to Australia, and I do dancing. Lots of dancing, and I go to Mt Aspiring College, I’m a Year 9, and yeah and I do a lot of it. It’s just really fun, it’s really cool, and we go away for competitions. Probably everybody just being kind and caring to people, because if they all did that, then it would just be a much better place.”

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