
As a variance of, you can say types of anger, but simple things. I try to brush things off, but simple things like driving.

I haven’t really, I can say the last time I experienced it was maybe last year, because I had to do some soul-searching for myself, especially with the driving where people cut you off and almost crash into you, and that would definitely make someone angry a bit.

I tried to, when I was doing my soul-searching, I just tried to see what I can control and what I can’t control. What I can control, I try and deal with it in a reasonable manner, I’ll say, and not a violent or aggressive manner, whereas what I can’t control, it’s beyond my means. Probably there’s a higher power than myself, so leave it to, leave it up to that.

Where I’m at now, I’m more at a calm and relaxed place now, but how I got to that stage was, because I’m a Christian, and so I’ve been searching the scriptures about how to deal with these behaviours. Because we all face different behaviours in life, but when you reach a certain stage where you think it may derail you or take you in a different path, then you’ve got to try and do some soul-searching at some stage.

I grew up in Zimbabwe, which is in Africa, and I grew up there for the past 20, the first 22 years of my life, and then we moved. Me and my wife moved over here to New Zealand and then we’ve been here for the past 12 years. What I value in life is family. Family; there’s nothing more important in my life than family and making relationships with other people, and connections and, and by doing that, a key factor in doing that is being kind and respectful to others, and so when they kind to me I tend to open up a lot and vice versa.”


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