Kara | Pukekohe

“I have a little boy, he’s seven months old, and watching him grow is probably one of the most inspiring things.

He’s just started eating solid food, and it’s made a big difference to our life, because we want to try and feed him healthy, nutritious food and so we’ve had to make a lot of changes to the way that we eat as well. So having a baby has been quite inspiring in terms of our health and, and the way that we’ve been living our life.

I grew up on the Hibiscus Coast, north of Auckland. I actually spent a lot of time living overseas. I’ve lived in China, Spain and the Netherlands, but growing up in Auckland in such a multi-cultural environment has sort of shaped the way that I am, my family, my background Ngā Puhi, they’re all kind of linked together into who I am.

Being a mum has been the hardest thing that I’ve ever done in my life. It’s really important to go out every day. That’s sort of what keeps me positive; have to go out and meet people. We had a lot of tough months when he was first born. He was a difficult birth, and it was really hard. I was homebound – bedbound even, for weeks, but we just have to get out there and have to enjoy the sunshine, enjoy the things that are on offer in the community, you just have to stay positive.”

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